News & Press

TILSON THOMAS Upon Further Reflection. WILD 7 Virtuoso Etudes after George Gershwin. COPLAND Piano Sonata • John Wilson (pn) • AVIE 2458 (69:12)
“He presents Tilson Thomas’s phrases in an ongoing, natural ebb and flow. In the tuneful introduction to Wild’s transcription of Liza, Wilson is even more impetuous and teasing in his rubato than Wild himself.”
-Myron Silberstein, Fanfare Magazine

ALBUM REVIEW: Upon Further Reflection
"The Wild set, with their knowing adaptations of familiar tunes, fit smartly alongside Reflection. And Wilson, whose playing is magnificently secure and flawlessly balanced, gives a reading of the heptalogy that rivals Wild’s own for character; it exceeds it for recorded quality."
-Jonathan Blumhofer, The Arts Fuse